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Eye and Jaw Swivel - 316 Stainless steel
These eye and jaw swivels are used to connect items that require a swivelling joint to prevent twising. For example, twisting of gym equipment like punch bags or chain in boats, or suspended chairs. Manufactured in marine grade stainless. One side of the swivel has a removable pin, whilst the other side is a dee shape. If both sides of the swivel require opening, then choose the Jaw and Jaw swivel. Available in sizes 5mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 13mm, 16mm and 19mm
Price per : Pack of 1
Further stock is available subject to a small lead time. Contact us for a quote.
Option MATERIAL Size Code Weight (g) D/d L B A WLL Price Qty
5mm Eye and Jaw Swivel SKU4080 A4 STAINLESS 5 SKU4080 32 5 59 9 13 175 £2.09 INC. VAT £2.51
Qty Price
50+ £1.99 INC. VAT £2.38
754 In stock
6mm Eye and Jaw Swivel SKU4120 A4 STAINLESS 6 SKU4120 57 6 66 11 14 275 £1.75 INC. VAT £2.10
Qty Price
50+ £1.66 INC. VAT £2.00
35 In stock
8mm Eye and Jaw Swivel SKU4160 A4 STAINLESS 8 SKU4160 145 8 94 15 19 500 £3.83 INC. VAT £4.60
Qty Price
50+ £3.64 INC. VAT £4.37
511 In stock
10mm Eye and Jaw Swivel SKU4200 A4 STAINLESS 10 SKU4200 284 10 118 20 23 700 £6.35 INC. VAT £7.62
Qty Price
50+ £6.03 INC. VAT £7.24
16 In stock
13mm Eye and Jaw Swivel SKU4210 A4 STAINLESS 13 SKU4210 500 13 152 25 33 1300 £14.05 INC. VAT £16.86
Qty Price
50+ £13.35 INC. VAT £16.02
6 In stock
16mm Eye and Jaw Swivel SKU4220 A4 STAINLESS 16 SKU4220 970 16 180 32 39 2400 £31.83 INC. VAT £38.20
Qty Price
50+ £30.24 INC. VAT £36.29
5 In stock
19mm Eye and Jaw Swivel SKU4230 A4 STAINLESS 19 SKU4230 1650 19 229 38 41 4000 £61.96 INC. VAT £74.35
Qty Price
50+ £58.86 INC. VAT £70.63
1 In stock
This 16mm Eye and Jaw Swivel is sutable for coastal use or use inside the home or gym as it has a pleasing polished finish

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